
Mould is a health hazard that can lead to increased illness in your household, so it is important to manage it as best you can

Often mould will grow on almost any surface where moisture is present and is often black in colour. However, mould can come in all colours and can grow in all different types of environment, wet or dry. They reproduce by releasing vast numbers of tiny spores into the air.

Despite popular opinion that only black mould is toxic, all moulds are hazardous to health in some way, especially if levels are over that deemed safe.

Auckland Mould Removal Specialists


With Auckland’s Mould Removal Specialists.

What Can I Do To Manage Mould In My Home?

There are many contributing factors to mould growth but poor insulation, lack of vents/fans, heating methods and overcrowding of rooms are the most common reasons that mould may grow in your home.

Small amounts of mould, commonly referred to as “Household Mould”, can be managed by you.

How to manage mould in my home

There are some steps you can take to manage mould in your property, before it becomes a problem:

  • Ventilate your home – condensation is a big part of why mould grows. If you find your windows and walls are crying, mop up the drips and open the windows. In winter, it’s tempting to shut the house up and put on the heater but cracking a window open during the winter days will help minimise the condensation and help ventilate the room.
  • Open the curtains – sounds simple, yet a lot of homes have curtains closed which makes condensation worse.
  • Minimise the steam – use rangehoods when cooking and bathroom fans when running the shower. If your property does not have a range hood or a fan, open a window if you are able to.
  • Clean household mould when it appears – this will help to keep the mould levels low. Warm water and a household detergent will do the trick.
  • Create space – ensure furniture is not pushed right up against the wall and avoid having piles of laundry up against surfaces.

What If I Have Extensive Mould?

If the mould is in a large quantity or is located in a damp area, it’s best to leave it and get in an experienced company to deal with its removal.

Stachybotrys is a black mould which thrives in wet/damp environments. If there is water damage or leaks in your property, there is the potential for Stachybotrys growth.

Many homeowners or builders make the mistake of thinking that removal of mould is easy. Unfortunately, incorrect removal of mould can cause a multitude of issues.

  • Attempted cleaning of mould can disturb the spores and put the mould into the air. Airborne mould is difficult to remove and can be a costly exercise.
  • Incorrect methods for mould removal can cause cross contamination to other surfaces.
  • Builders who remove mould are likely to make the mould airborne during the demolition process. Unfortunately, airborne mould cannot be seen so the fact that it is now in the air and growing on other surfaces is not evident until the building work is complete. The first signs of airborne mould will be the health issues your family starts to experience.
  • Stachybotrys and other toxic moulds should only be removed by professionals.
    Inadequate PPE will expose the homeowner to health hazards.
  • Removal methods include enclosing the work area and running appropriate machinery to control and filter the air.
What should I do if I have mould in my home

Don’t risk the health of your family – contact Savy Enviro Services to obtain a quote for the safe removal of mould.